Testing Physical Fitness:

Posted by Posted by mohammad bilal marri On 7:53 AM

The ways in which to test our physical fitness is limited only by our imagination. We could come up with all sorts of interesting and unique ways to test ourselves, but it's often best to stick with tests that have been in place and in practice for some amount of time.

Fitness exams which have withstood the test of time provide a good database of results to compare with, but best of all, the testing guidelines and procedures are already designed for easy following. There are two basic categories of fitness examinations - those that employ a physical activity and those that do not.

Inactive Tests:

    There are ways with which to examine fitness without the use of any physical exertion. These tests provide a general feel for physical health and can be taken at any time.

    Body Composition:

      A measurement that gives the amount of body fat compared to lean tissues that an individual has. Higher levels of fat are regarded as less fit. This can be measured with the aid of skin fold calipers, hydrostatic weighing, electrolipography, body mass index, or bioelectrical impedance. The easiest method would be skin fold measurements, but the others would often be more accurate.

      A screening can be administered by physicians that gives the total amount of cholesterol in the blood as well as the amount of HDL and LDL forms of cholesterol. While HDL is involved with removing cholesterol from the body and is desired, LDL is involved in the unwanted depositing of cholesterol in the body.

      Proper HDL to LDL ratios are indicative of good exercise, weight management, and eating habits. Blood cholesterol levels are also directly related to the risk of coronary heart disease.

    Heart Rate:

    Heart Rate Monitor

      Can be measured most easily either by taking a pulse at the carotid artery on the neck or the radial artery on the wrist. Another way would be to use a heart rate monitor. Heart rates are most often taken at rest or during a physically intense activity, and they measure how hard the heart has to work to keep the body functioning under current conditions.

      Unless someone is dead or dying, a lower heart rate at rest or even during activity typically indicates better fitness.


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